Shoreditch Trust | Health, wellbeing, and opportunities for people in Hackney Menu
Current Programmes

Stroke Project

We provide person-centred, long-term support services to those affected by stroke and their families. We also raise awareness of stroke and cardiovascular disease to help prevent strokes.

Colourful pigeons


We are here to help anyone in Hackney who has had a stroke to improve their physical, social and emotional wellbeing and get back to a fulfilling life. We offer lots of different useful services, get in touch and we will help you find the right ones for you. We also provide support to carers of stroke survivors to promote their wellbeing and their caring role. 

One-to-One Support 

Our team will contact you to discuss your needs: 

  • Providing information and advice relevant to you 
  • Applying for welfare benefits, transport, grants, etc. 
  • Help in accessing activities and services. 

Support Groups 

We recognise that stroke affects people in different ways and therefore we have set up different groups tailored to accommodate people with different needs:

Group Name Purpose Meeting Day & Time Location Contact 
High Care Group For Stroke Survivors with care and support needs. Wednesdays, 2–3:30pm WaterHouse Restaurant, N1 5QJ

Nazmun - 


Self- Help Group To promote independent living and healthy lifestyles. Thursdays, 1–2:30pm WaterHouse Restaurant, N1 5QJ

Maria - 


Younger Stroke Survivors  For stroke survivors of working age – to build up confidence in participating in community life. Tuesdays, 11:30am–1:30pm Shoreditch Town Hall, EC1V 9LT

Jo - 

07584 597885 / 02070338582

Communication Group For those with communication difficulties, building confidence by practicing communication strategies. Mondays, 1:30–3pm WaterHouse Restaurant, N1 5QJ

Jo -

 07584 597885 / 


  • Volunteering Opportunities: we have opportunities available - please see our Volunteering page. We particularly encourage and support clients to consider volunteering as a peer supporter.  
  • Awareness Sessions and information on Blood Pressure Checks: contact us for details.  

Advice & Assistance

If you are in need of support with completing forms or applications, contact us to book an Advice & Assistance slot. 

Call ahead to leave your details for the Stroke Project team to get in touch and book a time to meet with you  - 02070338500 or  


Funders & supporters








Meet the team
Jo  Evans
Jo Evans
Community Coordinator for the Stroke Project
Laura Prikken
Laura Prikken
Programme Manager - Health and Wellbeing and Long Term Conditions¦ Safeguarding Lead
Maria Dragan
Maria Dragan
Community Coordinator for the Stroke Project
Nazmun  Khanam
Nazmun Khanam
Community Coordinator for the Stroke Project and Health and Wellbeing Coach
What is a stroke?

Click here to read about what a stroke is and the effects it may have.