Bump Buddies is a free service for women in Hackney and the City who are pregnant or have children under school age, offering support and guidance throughout early parenthood.
Join us for our weekly coffee and pastries morning at the Waterhouse Restaurant, our welcoming community hub. It’s a great opportunity for mums and expectant mums to connect, share experiences, and receive support.
Bump Buddies can offer:
peer support through pregnancy and early motherhood,
information to help plan your pregnancy and labour,
breastfeeding support,
help to access low cost and free baby equipment and clothing,
details of local children’s groups,
opportunities to influence services in Hackney and the City by getting involved in focus groups and committees.
We offer extra support for women who are parenting alone, women struggling with homelessness or accommodation problems, women who have health problems and women facing immigration issues or who are new to the UK.