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Healthy Living Centre Partnership Workshop

In September 2017, Shoreditch Trust hosted a Partnership Workshop at our Healthy Living Centre to consider how organisations can work together to improve health, wellbeing, social networks and opportunities in Hackney, and to share ideas for the future role of the Healthy Living Centre.

12 September 2017

The workshop began with various short talks outlining the current context and climate, followed by a number of discussions around the following areas: Community Wellbeing Spaces; Collaboration; Community Leadership; Health and Wellbeing Support. Delegates then contributed their ideas around key themes and pledged to connect with one another to follow up on discussions and explore potential partnerships.

Many connections and conversations are already happening as a result of the event which is a really positive outcome. We look forward to collaborating with, and hearing from our partners, as we all explore and develop the ideas put forward on the day.

You can read a full report of the day here