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Dr Jessica Jones Nielsen

Dr Jessica Jones Nielsen

Jessica is a counselling psychologist and the Associate Dean of People & Culture for the School or Arts and Social Sciences at City, University of London. She is also the academic lead for the Race Equality and Athena SWAN Charter groups and provides academic leadership, direction, advice and support to colleagues involved in the delivery of racial justice and gender equality initiatives. Jessica has a background in community-based participatory research and examines the intersections between determinants of health and illness such as ethnicity, gender, and mental health. Through her research, Jessica is passionate about promoting engagement in positive health behaviours and resilience with particular emphasis on the health and well-being of minority ethnic community groups.

Jessica is trained and registered counselling psychologist, and has a clear focus of driving equality, diversity and inclusion across a range of sectors and organisations. She is proud to serve as a board member of the Shoreditch Trust.